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In the mean time, check out these other products to help you with project management with Excel.

Check out these Project Management Templates from

  • 26 ready-to-use Excel templates for Project Management
  • 5 professionally designed templates for Project Portfolio Management
  • Automate various project management tasks with little or no modification required
  • Gantt charts, time sheets, issue trackers, risk logs, task lists, milestone timelines, status reports

Find out more about the Project Management Templates:

How would you like to boost your productivity in Excel?

Look at the time you spend in Excel doing relatively simple repetitive tasks and you’ll understand that using Excel effectively will boost your productivity.

Power Tips for Microsoft Excel is an eBook and set of videos that helps you learn simple secrets of doing repetitive tasks faster in Excel. It’s based on more than 10 years of personal experience with Excel.

  • What fundamental skills do you need to know to save time when working in Microsoft Excel?
  • The two important principles you need to put into practice to speed up your learning
  • How to boost your productivity in Excel in a matter of weeks not months or years
  • Download a free preview copy today

Create Professional Gantt Charts in Excel (

  • Excel-based – GanttDiva is an easy to use VBA program that works with Excel to help you plan and create project schedules and Gantt Charts
  • Schedule Logic – full support for schedule logic, including the display of all logical relationships
  • Resource Charts – generate Resource Demand Charts based on your schedule
  • Highly configurable – set up the fields you need, the schedule duration, defaut workday length, reporting period, screen colours and more.
  • 30 day free trial – no obligation trial version with all features installed and comprehensive help

Get your free 30-day trial from


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